Marcel Duchamp

Blainville-Crevon, France



"I am interested in ideas. Not merely in visual products."

"I have forced myself to contradict myself in order to avoid confroming to my own taste."

"Art is not about itself but the attention we bring to it."

"Art is a shipwreck; it's everyman for himself."

"Anything is art if the artist says it is."

"It's not what you see that is art. Art is the gap."

"Art has this wonderful habit of ruining all artistic theories."

"The creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the spectator brings the work into contact with the external world by deciphering and interpreting it's inner qualifications and thus adds his contribution to the creative act."

"The most interesting things about artists is how they live."

"The easel painting has died, and for a good fifty or hundred years."

"Fifty years ago we were paraiahs. A young girl's parents would never let her marry an artist."

"I would like to see photography make people despise painting until something else will make photography unbearable."

"Unless a picture shocks it is nothing. Shock is good."

"Not everyone is an artist but everyone is a fucking critic."

"In my day, artists wanted to be outcasts, pariahs. Now they are all integrated into society."

"Art is an idea, usually a bad one."

"All this twaddle, the existence of God, atheism, determinism, liberation, societies, death, ect..are pieces of a chess board called language, and they are amusing only if one does not preoccupy oneself  with 'wining or losing this game of chess."

"Chess can be described as the movement of pieces eating one another."

"I am still a victim of chess. It has all the beauty of art - and much more. It cannot be commercialized. Chess is much purer than art in it's social position."

"I still convinced that the positive, the negative and the indifferent do not offer satisfactory explainations."

"Do unto others as they wish, but with imagination."

"Art is either plaigerism or revolution. Art is either plagerism or revolution. Art is either pla."

"I like living, breathing better than working..My art [is] that of living; Each breath is a work which is inscribed nowhere, which is neither visual nor cerebral, it's a sort of constant euphoria."

    -Marcel Duchamp


Art Effort

Name of Art:

Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp
Artistic Method Description:
  Photo-Farmed and Color-Texture-Altered. Digitally drawn with a stylus on Iphone from referenced elbow statue. brought to larger resolution for prints large.

Evocative Art Kindle: "The second time I was there I met Marcel Duchamp, and we immediately fell for each other. Which doesn't mean a thing because I think anybody who met Marcel fell for him." "I don't believe in art, I believe in artists." "I believe in artists as persons, as individuals. But art is a mirage." "The only thing that is not art is inattention." "Since a three dimensional object casts a two-dimensional shadow, we should be able to imagine the unknown four-dimensional object who's shadows we are." — Marcel Duchamp

Art purchases contribute to your product printing & delivery as well as the dispersion of ideas an artist and others whom have shared intrigue have worked to cipher so to progress with a

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Marcel Duchamp 32”x16” XXX$
Marcel Duchamp 16”x8” XXX$
Marcel Duchamp 8”x4” XX$
Marcel Duchamp 4”x2” XX$
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Public Art Distributed Copies
Marcel Duchamp

All art herein is produced by Adam Lee Borchardt including the code of this website. Accompanying artists , inspirations and teachers whom I have pooled reference and historical ideas, people's minds from which I draw; all of humanity to thank-naturally- that includes you the reader here so don’t be timid about copying, reproducing -expanding, mostly further thinking and developing on this cannon of ideas in time through form- You can even pick up a copy by clicking through the gridded hyperlinks.

"Architecture is a conversation across time"; that is afterall essentially-the big idea behind sharing publicly here as far and wide as possible’ enjoy a collaborative of texts of some of the clearest or colorful contemplating minds that I've thus far in disovery found reference and relation in will and will very likely continue to do so-open to any correction of misinformed insight, but the point is to cipher it down to 0 bias and firm understanding. Both a reference from and hopefully back and around progressing to be better relayed by all in the act of producing copiuos art either digitally of scaled environmentally for living-this idea will tkae hold. Have it delivered to your modern 'jewel box of living' or civic building and this art can become like an encylopedic set of old, with clever, convenient reminders of a what makes a sound method arise as well as a civilization and people everthemore humane, knowledgeable, fearless and prepared for anything.

